i love lucy. cameron loves lucy. everyone loves lucy + cameron. seriously though, from our very first blind date (we met up on a weekday morning in brooklyn for a sunrise engagement shoot – followed by an incredible nyc diner breakfast) these two have felt like old friends – and have kept me laughing. my favorite kind of people. so naturally, their beautifully chic celebration at murray’s sanctuary in downtown tivoli was the perfect mix of wild fun and emotion. we started the day at hotel tivoli, which is a mecca of eclectic mod decor, then traveled to the stunning grounds at bard college for their first look and pre-ceremony portraits. lucy was effortlessly beautiful in her modern gown by sarah seven, and her gorgeous bouquet arrangement by petals and moss had me drooling. new york’s foliage was in full force, and the mixture of vivid fall colors with postcard-worthy hudson river views was my idea of photographer heaven. murray’s is such a unique and cool space – especially the patio at twilight, draped in string lights. we cried, we sang (celine dion), we ate, we laughed, we partied. can we do it again please? from the couple:
“We wanted a peak-fall Hudson Valley weekend for our guests so that they would love the bride’s hometown as much as she does. We chose simple, classic decor (eucalyptus, tea lights) so that the natural beauty of the location would be felt throughout the day and into the evening.”
photographer: maren kathleen / wedding venue: murray’s tivoli / getting ready venue: hotel tivoli / first look venue: bard college / florist: petals and moss / music: dylan a perfect blend entertainment / catering: murray’s Chef Rachel / day of coordinator: Rochelle Redfield / hair stylist: becki at la tua bella salon / make up: megan martino at la tua bella salon / stationery: minted / dress designer and bridal shop: sarah seven / groom’s suit: the black tux